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About The Band Weblogs Directory

The Band and Music Blog Directory
with Blog Links, Guest Music Bloggers, Podcasts and More!

'Get into the minds of musicians...if you dare!'

Created in January 2005 by Jenny May, the singer and co-songwriter for the Oxford, England based band The Babylon Cowboys, Band Weblogs is a directory of band and music blogs with free promotion and advertisement for bands.

Blogs have created an opportunity for musicians and creative music writers to share opinions, views, daily lives, reviews (and anything else they may write in their blogs) and most importantly, their music, with the world of blog readers!

For those who enjoy music and reading biographies, Band Weblogs has all of that in one place. By reading musicians blogs, this is an easily accessible way for fans to get to know either their favorite musician through their own words or learning about a musician that they may never have heard of before logging onto Band Weblogs.

Our hope is that as this directory grows, the site will grow and eventually will branch off into music categories..but until then all the music and band blogs are added randomly (somewhat) which allows each blog it's own unique presence here. We're also adding podcasts, band links, music videos and mp3 links, entertainment & music news headlines, podcast news, music blog news and more.

Musicians and music promoters can sign up as members for free in the Band Weblogs Community and contribute Guest Music Blogger entries by submitting band press, reviews, articles, links to mp3s, music videos, podcasts and more. Guest Music Blogging is another way for musicians to promote their music and websites through creative writing.

Band Weblogs now has a voice and has been 'brought to life' with it's own podcast, Band Weblogs Podcast Show Starring Jenny May and Dave Tommo from Band Weblogs and The Babylon Cowboys. Playing independent music, podsafe music, unsigned bands, music by their own band, and chat about music, sport talk, competitions and surprise guests.

For those who would like to submit band information (blogs, podcasts, band press, music links, music videos...), this is a free service. Why? Because we believe in helping musicians like ourselves and understand how difficult it can be getting your music 'out there'. By keeping this site a free service, we hope to generate some financial support via the ads that you can see around the site.

If you're looking for other places to submit your music, we recommend sites like Soundclick, Myspace and Mp3 Unsigned!

How to Submit Your Blog For Consideration:

For the blogs to be considered for the Band Weblogs directory, they should be written by bands, musicians, singer-songwriters, poets or be Mp3 blogs or blogs with music reviews. You don't have to be performing live to have your blog considered for inclusion in this directory.

The blogs submitted for consideration must be actual blogs or on-line journals and they must have music content.

When submitting your music blog, please include your name, blog title, the link to your blog's home page, your email address and a short description.

For musicians with blogs and direct links to their own songs, we will add up to three mp3/song samples or full length downloads.

A gramophone icon like this: will link to each song under the blog description.

Submit Your Music Blog Here!

If you don't already have a blog, and you would like to add your link to the directory, here are some sites that can help in getting you started:

Also, you can do a search at google to find other blog sites. And there's always the option of having your own domain name with a blog page.

We will not accept illegal or sexually explicit content.

Linking to This Site

All we ask in return when adding your music blog and links to Band Weblogs, is that you add a link from your blog back to this site by copy and pasting This HTML Code!

Or you can link back to us with the Band Weblogs Directory button. Just 'save image as' and then add the html code:

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Band Weblogs Button

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copyright © 2006 Band Weblogs
Site Created January 2005