Jack Robert Hardman: FREE download - "Sorry To George"

Jack Robert Hardman

Jack Robert Hardman composes and records his own unique brand of pop music, once described by a BBC panelist as "Something Syd Barrett might do in a dark room".

Since starting at the age of 17, Jack has attracted attention, and airplay, from the likes of XFM's John Kennedy, and BBC 6music's Tom Robinson, despite no release having yet been made.

Jack is currently producing his debut album at his home in Berkshire.

"Sorry To George" is the first taster for Jack's debut album set for released through Cooking Vinyl Publishing in autumn.

Free Download - Jack Robert Hardman - Sorry To George:

"It’s very interesting, like Belle and Sebastian on acid, we like!" - The Von Pip Musical Express

"Jack Robert Hardman should come with a warning label: his insanely catchy pop will stick in your head pretty much forever. He's a supreme talent with a unique voice and take on life." - BBC Berkshire Linda Serck

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