Summer in the city...The Divine Comedy to play Somerset House
Summer Series show from The Divine Comedy on July 17th
The Divine Comedy (in the guise of Neil Hannon) will be making a welcome return to the gorgeous surroundings of Somerset House as part of their 'Summer Series' season.
The leading light of witty chamber pop will play the prestigious London venue on July 17, 2010.
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The show will follow the release of the Divine Comedy's tenth studio album, 'Bang Goes the Knighthood', which will be available on May 31st through Divine Comedy Records.
The hugely anticipated record will be preceded by the single "At The Indie Disco", which will be available to download from May 23rd.
The Divine Comedy have already announced a sold out show on May 12th at The Tabernacle, London and will also be previewing the album at the Pleasance Theatre in Edinburgh on May 11th.
Tickets for the Somerset House show are £25 and available from
Somerset House - Summer Series Official Website
For more information, go to:
The Divine Comedy Official Website
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