MusicDish Asks 'Are You Ready To Innovate?' At NewMusicWest 2007 »
By Guest Blogger on Apr 13, 2007 in Music, Press Releases | Tags: Canada, Digital, Eric de Fontenay, Innovate, Midem, Music, Music Industry, MusicDish, Musicians, Networking, NewMusicWest, Promotion, Record Companies, Seminars, Showcases, Vancouver | 0 Comments
MusicDish founder Eric de Fontenay has been invited to present his seminar "Are You Ready To Innovate In The Digital Marketplace?" at NewMusicWest 2007, being held in Vancouver, Canada on May 2-6. The seminar was originally developed for and presented at MIDEM 2007, held recently in Cannes, France.
"The music industry is moving faster than it [...]