DEAD RAGE - meez generated, musician powered
By deadragemusic on Mar 27, 2007 in Artist Development, Band Introductions, Bands, Music, Myspace, New Releases, Press Releases, Promotion | Tags: Meez
Dead Rage, 3D Meez Generated, Live Musician Powered Heavy Metal Band
Baytown, TX /prbuzz/ — Once in awhile there comes a band that defies all logic and we ask ourselves “what the hell”? Then we find ourselves reading more about them, then privately singing their songs and finally climbing aboard the bandwagon.
Well, for 2007 that band is DEAD RAGE! Brainchild of musicians Don Harrison and William Scott. Dead Rage is a band that consists of four 3D Computer generated characters playing old school heavy metal music written and recorded by Harrison and Scott.
The band members were created at using their 3D I.D. MEEZMAKER. Harrison was first exposed to the idea by way of Anthrax’s Scott Ian, OTEP’s Shamaya and former FUSETV icon, Mistress Juliya who all had 3D likenesses created from the site.
Taking it one step further, Harrison created a fantasy band, dressing them in wild fashion and face paint. He then decided to place them along with music he and Scott had written onto a myspace account. Now, the band needed a name. DEAD RAGE is actually an amalgam of two band names that were used by Harrison and Scott in the past. On March 13, 2007 was born!
There was an almost immediate and overwhelming word of mouth response. Nearly a hundred site views, over a hundred song plays and emails on top of emails wanting to know more about DEAD RAGE. All this by the second day with no advertising whatsoever.
Don Harrison and William Scott are currently working out the details of how to manage, market and promote a fictional band. A full length retail ready CD, the possibility of a music video, shirts and other merchandise are also being discussed.
Media Contact:
Don Harrison
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