By animaitaly on Oct 22, 2007 in Band Introductions, Bands, Music, Promotion |
First of all, thank you in advance for taking the time in reading this, whether or not you’ve been touched by what we do, your interest is nothing short of crucial to achieve our goal!
We are two brothers from Turin in Italy, Paolo (voice) e Maurizio (guitar). We couldn’t be more different as individuals but, maybe just because of that, things work perfectly between us, and crumble instantly with someone else in the picture, which is why we decided to create music on our own. If now you’re wondering how can we play live with just 4 pairs arms and legs, you’ve come to the downfall of being a two man band… We tried to find someone willing to play with us, but up to this day that’s been impossible, no one accepts the idea to shut down his creativity for no one.
That’s one of the main reasons why we are searching for someone interested in signing us, that would change the musician’s perspective (and loose their ego!) over what we do. Needless to say, if you are interested and you think you can play the songs without been part of the creative process, just let us know! The songs you’re hearing (except “Divine sparkle”) come from our latest effort, nine months of work put together in 70 minutes of music. We are really happy with the results and of course, we hope you’ll like them as much as we do.
As you can hear the kind of music we play is not exactly one you listen to everyday, and while we are proud of that, we understand these days that’s not a positive thing: everything sounds the same and nobody is willing to take a risk and change things on his own. Our biggest hope is to find someone ready to take that risk and move freely from what the industry decides, as overconfident as it sounds we believe our music can make the difference and shake things up for good. Right now we are promoting as much as we can, hopefully it’ll come the day someone notices us and decides to take the challenge!
That’s all, thanks again for your interest, enjoy our music! Anima
PS: if you’re interested you can easily contact us through this page, so if you are some scout or a&r please don’t be shy, the idea of being famous travelling the world don’t disappoint us!
Here you can listen to our songs:
You can download the songs in all those profiles
Let us know what you think about our music!!!!
Glad to meet you all
Paolo e Maurizio - ANIMA
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