Jan Seiden - Memory of Time Review
By muzikman on Mar 31, 2008 in Flute, Music, New Releases, Reviews, Track Listings, World | Tags: Albums
Jan Seiden has her own niche in the world of music. She is a renowned Native America flute player that has performed at important powwows across the U.S. and shared stages with Grammy award winners Joanne Shenandoah, Mary Youngblood, Tito LaRosa, and NAMA-winner Jeff Ball.
This tranquil and healing event is the first recording of the Anasazi flute release by a female artist. The CD features American flutes, bone and clay whistles accompanied by congas and Haitian Marimbula. In addition to the originality of sound created on Memory of Time each of the instruments were handcrafted including Jan’s Anasazi flute, which is a replica of an 800-year-old archeological relic.
There is a lot of history and meaning behind this CD. Anyone interested in the Native American culture and music would find great interest in this recording. From a relatively inexperienced viewpoint with music like this, such as my own, I found this to be very relaxing and it had the ability to encourage a meditative focused state of mind. Personally, I have always had a deep respect for the Native American traditions and beliefs. This CD helped me to feel a little more connected to all of that.
I do not think this is the kind of CD you would pop in while driving to work, although if you happen to commute in rush hour traffic it would probably help and be a good equalizer to your stress level. I do not have that kind of life anymore so I tend to listen to more energized music before going to the office and music like on Memory of Time helps me to unwind in the evening and inspires my creative thinking. To each his own but in any event this is the kind of CD that is worth having a listen to a few times to see what kind of healing powers can summoned from within.
Artist: Jan Seiden
Title: Memory of Time
Genre: World-Native American
Label: FluteJourney Records
Source Link
01. Future Past
02. Synergy
03. Long Ago Yesterday
04. Natural World
05. Singing Earth
06. Remembrance
07. Highland Heather
08. Big Water
09. Lone Star
10. Midnight Sun
11. Eyes In The Dark
12. Butterfly
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Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
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