About: JALEBI Music
- Full Name
- Shirley Marie Bradby
- Website
- http://www.jalebimusic.com
- Details
- Namaste! Hare Krsna! : )********* My name is Shirley Marie Bradby (MiraBai Devi Dasi). I am Afro-American by birth and culture......but have chosen to be citizen of the WORLD! I am a vegetarian, teetotaler and celibate (for spiritual reasons) all of which I am convinced gives me quite a different perspective on life…and living and of course.....music (smile)********** I have been joyfully practicing Bhakti Yoga and studying Indian culture and music for many years. I am also the lead singer for a World Beat band named JALEBI. To keep body and soul together (i.e. pay the bills) I work in the field of education as an English teacher. **********The other two members of JALEBI are Ramananda Roy and Yasodananda who prefer to remain mysterious…for now! (smile) I am only joking …you can read their biographies on our official web site www.jalebimusic.com********* But what is JALEBI Music? JALEBI Music is …….when BOLLYWOOD meets MOTOWN!********* JALEBI Music is a project that is experimenting with a new genre-busting type of music using traditional Indian music, soul, blues, gospel and modern technology to create a different type of music that combines the power and might of soul and blues (MOTOWN) with the tantalizing mystery of India (BOLLYWOOD)..… blended together by adding just a pinch of modern technology to help amalgamate this eclectic mix! *********Our success indicates that perhaps JALEBI Music is an idea whose time has come! Check it out at www.betarecords.com/jalebi and www.jalebimusic.com Try it ……once you start you can’t stop! : )********* So as you can see and I hope hear….our music is a happy blend of East and West and our message is one of peace, love and harmony!<br><br> In my opinion Bandweblogs.com seems to be an ideal place to find like-minded souls who are promoting themselves and their music! As an emerging artist with a particular message....one of love, peace and harmony....... I also see the need for and the down right fun of doing some transcendental networking …..to be inspired and of course …..to inspire others! (smile)********* Thank you for listening! ********** Hare Krsna! Namaste, baby! : )********* Shirley Marie Bradby (MiraBai Devi Dasi)********* JALEBI********* www.jalebimusic.com******** www.betarecords.com/jalebi********* www.myspace.com/jalebimusic*********
Posts by JALEBI Music
- Oct 30 2007 JALEBI Music 52 Weeks Number One on World Music Chart! posted in Bands, Music
- Jul 16 2007 “Hare Krsna” JALEBI Music 33 WEEKS Number ONE!!! posted in Music
- Jun 21 2007 JALEBI Music: Rockin’ Steady As Number ONE!!! posted in Band Introductions, Music, Musicians
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