About: nosebleedlouie
- Full Name
- John Anno
- Website
- http://www.johnanno.com
- Details
- "John plays impossible things on the guitar because it was never pointed out to him they were impossible" Hailing from Springfield, Missouri, John Anno bring's you a fusion of various musical styles which includes blues, funk, jazz, rock, and even hip-hop. A creative musical exploration based around a rhythmic structure with a commitment to song craft. It's a feeling and a connection, one you can't point to but know when you see it. it's satisfying and challenging, unquestioned and trusted. It ebbs and flows and moves us...and in the end, it's music! Music that has something to say and John has the skill to fluidly express it. . John has performed shows throughout the Midwest since 2003, and having shared the stage with such national acts as The Urge, The Phunk Junkeez, 2 Live Crew, Tech N9ne, Afroman, Nelly & The St. Lunatics, Mystikal, Fabolous, Coolio and Pretty Willie. John has written songs as a member of some of Springfields most popular bands. "Now I record and perform my music for everyones enjoyment, or discomfort. I guess im a junkie for music. For me its the soundtrack of life. It can describe so many things without saying a word. Its wierd how some of the best creativity can come out of you when you are at extremes in life. Whether that be positive or negative, some of the best music ive written has been from that. Falling in love, losing someone, bliss or turmoil. When your feeling that, it really comes out of you in strange ways."
Posts by nosebleedlouie
- May 20 2007 John Anno’s Funk Instrumental The GoGetter on to Rnd. 2 posted in Music, Bands, Instrumentals, GarageBand, Competitions, Yahoo! Launch, Funk
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