About: syngedjimmy
- Full Name
- Website
- http://www.synged.com
- Details
- I am the vocalist for the Pennsylvania band SYNGED. www.myspace.com/synged I've been working with this group for about 3 years. I write the lyrics and vocal melodies. I studied voice for a short time @ Wyomissing institute of fine arts, until my teacher passed on. Lyrically; I write pretty much whatever comes to mind. I use to study my topics and base my writing from a non realistic view. After a bit of time it just seemed kind of empty, so I began writing about real life events. Not necessarily mine or anyone’s for that matter just something that was real to me, something a general populous could relate to. Some would argue that my writing is not as colorful or lacks creative dictation. This may be true but as long as the point is understood simply, my chore has been accomplished. Some of the other bands I have written and preformed with are: Lochness 1989, Reactor 1994, Up Yours 1996, and Push'd 1997. I have been a B.M.I. associate writer since 1995. Some of my favorite lyrical bands are The Doors, Morrissey, Led Zep, Kansas, Triumph, QueensRyche, Level 42 and Sade.
Posts by syngedjimmy
- Jan 29 2007 Making April: Runaway World posted in Music, Reviews
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