Introducing Miracles: "Pieces Of You And Me" video


In early spring 2012 a chance meeting outside an East London bar between writer and producer Joe Philip and singer/songwriter Heather Vansaint provided a catalyst for the birth of a new sound.

Against a back drop of urban decay and infamous local stragglers, the two got talking and within a couple of hours (and a few cold ones later), Miracles were born.

Their aim is simple; to straddle the line between electronic dance and indie and to create a unique and impassioned sound, that would provide a platform to express their tales of love and loss.

Miracles - Pieces Of You And Me video:

This summer will see the release of 3 tracks from the Duo, their debut being 'Pieces Of You And Me' out 19th August 2012 as a free download on their Bandcamp page. 'Pieces' is vintage Miracles, an intimate tale of loss and regret set to a deep and edgy beat, that will have you dancing away the pain of departed love.

The tracks that follow, explore further the length and depth of their contemporary alt electro sound, punctuated all the while by Joe's impressive breadth of musical wizardry and Heather's haunting and heartfelt vocal delivery, a combination that sounds as fresh on radio, as it does through broken speakers at a 5am squat party.

The band already boast an impressive growing global Twitter following which has sprung up in a matter of months, something that clearly highlights the thirst out there for their music and musings.

Miracles are ready to burst onto the scene, with all the effortless swagger of a band destined for greatness.

For more information, go to:

Miracles Facebook

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