About: jeffreydaniel
- Full Name
- Jeffrey Daniel
- Website
- http://www.jeffreydaniel.com
- Details
- Jeffrey Daniel came to the public’s attention as a dancer on the US TV show Soul Train. From Soul Train evolved Shalamar - a band that sold 25 million albums world-wide with hit records such as “A Night to Remember”, “Friends” and “There it is”. With Shalamar he introduced West Coast Street Dance into Europe and started a huge dance craze - body popping, robotics, locking and whacking with his amazing skills as a dancer. JD is the man that taught Michael Jackson the Moonwalk and later went on to choreograph “Bad”, co-choreograph “Smooth Criminal” and work as a creative consultant on Ghost. The Moonwalk debate is still an ongoing topic generating tremendous interest all over the world with over 10,000 entries on YouTube and one million three hundred thousand on google alone.
Posts by jeffreydaniel
- Jun 25 2007 Jeffrey Daniel of Shalamar fame to release Solo Album posted in Music, Bands, New Releases, Press Releases, Social Networks, Singer/Songwriters, Cds, Promotion, Record Companies, Albums, Myspace, Band Introductions, Showcases, Guitar, Independent, Interviews, Singers, Videos, Biographies, Composers, Concerts, Solo Albums
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