About: sukari
- Full Name
- Website
- http://myspace.com/sukaricomores
- Details
- Sukari means sugar in Shikomor (Comorian language). I am from the Comoro Islands located in the Indian Ocean, off the South-East coast of Africa (right between Kenya and Madagascar). Growing up, I was to my native music (African music), as well as Caribbean and Hip Hop rhythms. Later on, at age 15, I started to get into Smooth Jazz and New Age. At the same time I joined a music band called "Blue Jeans" (one of the members is now a big-time producer in the Comoros). Music was always in my head, but my passion was in Visual Effects and animation. So once I finished high school, I flew to the USA to study Computer Animation (at the Art Institutes of Atlanta). While in school (AIA) I took a course called Intro to Audio Recording where I learned how to use Digidesign ProTool. And on my final project I put together my first album (Self titled "Sukari") and dedicated to it to my Mother and my Family. In early 2006, my mother (the matriarch of my family) was diagnosed with cancer (at its final stage) so I gathered all the track that I wrote and put it on the CD titled Sukari2. I sent it to her so that she could listen to it while going through chemo. I could not go back home to be by her side, but my sister (nicknamed "Sukari" by my Aunt after birth) was by her side along with the rest of my family. And by the end the month of July, she closed the last chapter of her legacy (May she rest in peace and May God open the doors of paradise for her). So in her memory, I have decided to title my next album "Tribute to a Matriarch". She gave life to me, and in life I found music and love, so I will make sure that my love (my faith) and my music speak of her.
Posts by sukari
- Jun 28 2007 What does Sukari sound like? posted in Band Introductions, Jazz, Music
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