Words and Music by Saint Etienne - watch "Tonight" video

Saint Etienne

English band Saint Etienne are releasing Words and Music by Saint Etienne on August 14, 2012 in the US.

Saint Etienne are a band who have had an immutable and enduring relationship with pop music and that pristine pop moment. Pitchfork says, "Words and Music by Saint Etienne, is a sterling affirmation that relating pop music to your life doesn't have to grow more difficult as you get older... The execution is mostly impeccable, with crystal-clear yet memorably idiosyncratic lyrics, and slick electro-pop production."

The transcendent first single "Tonight" effortlessly captures that heart stopping nanosecond where a song transforms the mundane into something extraordinary.

Saint Etienne "Tonight" video:

From the distinctly English sonic collages of their groundbreaking debut album Foxbase Alpha through to the darker folk-inflected turns of Tiger Bay and even the glacial electronic landscapes of Sound of Water, the history of pop has clearly had a powerful impression on the trio of Pete Wiggs, Sarah Cracknell and Bob Stanley, with the result being their ninth studio album.

Saint Etienne have assembled what constitutes a long form aural essay explicitly exploring the through line of themes and memories triggered by music which has run through their entire body of work.

When Bob Stanley talks about their new album Words and Music by Saint Etienne, he affectionately refers to the "strange magic" of pop. About the special alchemy that transmutes even the most mundane of experiences - walking home with the headphones on at night, sitting in a bedroom with your friends in the day, getting ready to go out on the weekend - into a lingering moment of seamless enchantment, one that resonates for the rest of your life.

Saint Etienne will be announcing a Fall tour of the U.S. - their first in several years!

"If there's a theme to Words and Music, it's that you're only as old as the music you love - words to live by, for Saint Etienne and everyone else." - NPR

For the latest news, please go to:

Saint Etienne Official Website

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