Title: Live In The Real World
Format: DVD
Genre: Progressive Rock
Label: Inside Out
Stream Of Passion felt they needed to silence their critics by releasing a live performance of their new music. Some people thought that the band was suspect because the first studio release Embrace The Storm came together by exchanging files over the internet. Arjen “Ayreon” Luccassen and the rest of the band are all over the globe so there was no other way at the time to make the recording happen. The results were fantastic and the album garnered some great reviews and it continues to gather momentum, the critics be damned! This is a common practice these days and many great albums have resulted by using the available technologies to eliminate the logistical nightmares that previously killed many great projects before their birth, leaving just a thought or an idea on the table, never to be revisited again. Welcome to 2006 and all the wonderful mediums at our disposal.
The Live In The Real World DVD (also available as two CD set) removes any doubt or speculation that this band is not the real deal and capable of performing their studio cuts and a range of previous Ayreon tracks just as well or if not better in a live setting. Marcela Bovio is magnetic on stage and she has her equally beautiful sister Diana by her side to provide the outstanding backup vocals necessary for all of the tracks the band runs through on the DVD. Damian Wilson (Threshold, Rick Wakeman) steps up and steers the ship for the Ayreon classics “The Castle Hall” and “Into the Black Hole.” His voice is widely recognized in the world of progressive rock and he is one of the most sought after lead vocalist today. Arjen knows who the best are and always manages to bring them into his projects at some point. The title track is one of the more dynamic and exciting performances and I can see why it was the choice for a single and video shoot. Every track has the ability to stand on its own and I enjoyed it so much, a few days later I watched it again.
This DVD whetted my appetite and brought my anxiousness to another level. I have to see this band play live, one way or another it has to happen. I think Arjen has put together a lethal combination of musicians, writers, and vocalists, well he always does but this time it is exceptional, there is special energy going on between these people. Once again, I have to credit the entire band for their excellence.
Here is the lineup:
Arjen Lucassen: What else can I say about him? Over the years I have spoke of his brilliance and my feelings remain the same-He is one of the best guitar players and composers on the planet and he continues to come up with new ideas and compositions that are engaging and unique. This is what makes Lucassen one of the more distinctive artists in recorded music today.
Marcela Bovio: She is a true to form temptress on stage, always dancing about and jumping around with her alluring and mysterious vocals. She works that stage as if it was her home. She is also the lead vocalist for Elfonia, her excellent prog-rock band from Mexico.
Alejandro Milan: He creates a wall of sound with his piano and strings, and then adds some surprisingly good vocals in as well.
Lori Linstruth: Her razor sharp guitar lines and good looks are one of the highlights of the show, although she needs to come out from behind all of those beautiful golden locks and look at her audience some more. Lori does a nice job answering Arjen’s guitar lines blow for blow and at times leads the way.
Johan Van Startum and Davy Mickers: They hold down the bottom end with authority, forming a formidable rhythm section that truly stands out as one of the best out there today. When you hear the complexity of some of the arrangements and watch these two put it all together while keeping it all marching in a straight line, it is a thing of beauty to watch.
Diana Bovio: Marcela’s little sister. Obviously has a tremendous voice all her own that will find its way leading her own band some day.
And of course, the prominent guest Damian Wilson for his contributions.
The bonuses are great fun as well, the tour dairy, the making of the “Out In The Real World” video and then the entire full length mesmerizing video, wrap this fine package of entertainment up. This DVD is a necessary purchase for the legions of Arjen followers and prog rockers all over the world that have been waiting for this day to arrive. There is no doubt, and there never has been that the talent of Stream Of Passion was fully realized in the studio, and now it comes to life on stage before your eyes, enjoy the magic.
01. Intro
02. Spellbound
03. Passion
04. Waracle
05. Wherever You Are
06. Computer Eyes
07. Calliopeia
08. Valley of the Queens
09. Haunted
10. The Charm of the Seer
11. Deceiver / Songs of the Ocean
12. Day One: Vigil
13. Day Three: Pain
14. Nostalgia
15. Out in the Real World
16. The Castle Hall
17. Into the Black Hole
18. When the Levee Breaks
19. Day Eleven: Love
Live in Concert (Dolby 2.0 and 5.1)
Behind the Scenes
Photo Gallery
Video Clip: Out in the Real World
Making of the Video Clip
Tour Diary