Curly Hair release 'Ivy League' EP on Toy Soldier Records

Curly Hair release 'Ivy League' EP

Curly Hair

'Ivy League' released on handmade CD - Sept 28, 2009 - on Toy Soldier Records

Curly Hair

Curly Hair is Jessica and Benjamin. A creation born of spending an unhealthy amount of time together, the band is a natural extension of the pair.

Curly Hair

The two had been playing music together in Brighton's infamous Willkommen Collective (The Leisure Society, Miserable Rich, Sons of Noel and Adrian) for a year before they took refuge from a downpour in a charity shop on a rainy December day and Jessica discovered the perfect guitar (now named Tiny) to inspire the two to write songs together.

"We write songs about never having any money, not being very good at falling in love and woodland animals," they say, with a charming honesty that comes across in their sound.

Running their own label Toy Soldier Records (previously Huw Stephens' DIY label of the week) with a few friends, this is a band that are into doing it themselves, from recording in Benjamin's bedroom to making CD covers and stage banners.

Starting out with intimate house party and gallery shows, their live act is colorful and can involve as many as 6 extra Willkommen cast members lending their skills to the sound. The pair have recently expanded into a three piece, with Michael taking over percussive duties. They often indulge in cloaks, face paint and feathers onstage, making their shows exciting and fun.

Curly like to travel, and in the last few months have been playing anti-folk lineups in Berlin and Paris, also finding time to busk the streets while on tour, spreading their enchanting songs further than these shores. Time off on tour in the UK tends to involve hay bailing and chasing lambs on farms in return for places to stay.

"Charming lo-fi pop'' - The Independent

"Like some anti-folk bastard Belle and Sebastian" - OCDC

"Delightfully twee 4/5" - Shred Magazine

"Like if the Shins had washed their music in a coat of nostalgia" - J.C. Harnell

"Lo-fi perfect pop" - Willkommen Collective

Find Curly Hair online at:

Curly Hair MySpace

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