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Debut CD: Losing My Faith


Hello Friend,

After years of hard work and grind… I am happy and proud to see the fruits of my labor result in such a fantastic CD. I hope I don’t sound conceited but I love my new CD “Losing My Faith”.. it was/is a labor of love. I found myself maturing during the process of writing my songs.

Every song has a special meaning to me and deals with subject matters that is pretty personal and yet very much universal.

My Songs:

“Losing My Faith” deals with the fact that no matter how faithful you are… not necessarily in a religious sense but faith in general… there comes a time when you question it. For instance pertaining to religion… the age old question does God exist… and if so why is there so much suffering on earth and why are my prayers not always answered. Something to think about.

“Connie D.” is about my grandmother who past away when I was three years old. Not knowing that she had past away… on the night that it happen I saw a shiny shadow at my bedroom door that looked just like her… I guess she was letting me know she was OK. The song is about celebrating life and the time you have and not to be bogged down with what I should have done or what I’m going to do… the message is to enjoy the moment you have … you never know when your last moment in life might come.

“Kiss My Heart Goodbye” A fun break up song with a Classic Rock flavoring.

“The Other Side” Message: No matter how bad, dark and ugly things are… there is usually another side. Perhaps happier times or the answer can be found on the other side. Take a look at the bright or the positive side of things.

“Drowning” Love song… drowning in love and don’t know what to do. Especially when love didn’t work out the last time… hmmmm

“Awful Truth” Mesage: The world is in a sad state and the awful truth is that people in power and large corporations that control our global affairs are more interested in making more money than preserving / saving the earth… And… that is the awful truth.

“For You” Message: When all hope is gone and God won’t answer your prayers… that special someone in shining armor will be there to help you through it. Maybe listening to this song can help you feel better.

“World Undone” Inspired by what we see on TV. World leaders seeking solutions by choosing war over peace. Bombs falling, bullets flying… people dying… while you and I are watch helplessly…. so let’s all grab a chair and watch the world come undone.

“Fade Away” Inspired by homeless young people on the streets (Squeezie Kids) and many not surviving the streets… as we all tend to walk by and pretend not to notice that it’s a real person in a desparate and distraught situation.

“Loser” Everyone knows a two timing loser. Well this song is a dedication to all those who are or were with one… a Loser that is.

Hope you enjoy my article… you can own my CD “Losing My Faith” by going to you will be getting some great music and at the same time supporting an artist that wants to make great music. Making great music is a very time consuming and expensive endeavour… your generous support is much appreciated and hope you will become asupporter and a friend.

Peace and Happiness
Chris Ning

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