MusicDish Asks 'Are You Ready To Innovate?' At NewMusicWest 2007

Eric de FontenayMusicDish founder Eric de Fontenay has been invited to present his seminar "Are You Ready To Innovate In The Digital Marketplace?" at NewMusicWest 2007, being held in Vancouver, Canada on May 2-6. The seminar was originally developed for and presented at MIDEM 2007, held recently in Cannes, France.

"The music industry is moving faster than it ever has before," Eric was quoted in MIDEM 'The News' magazine. "You now need to innovate on a continuous basis, and not all music industry professionals are wired to do that. Music has been at the forefront of having to respond to the challenges posed by technological change. It's like a game of chess: you always need to be two steps ahead."

MusicDish will also be hosting a '10th Anniversary' showcase as part of the NewMusicWest festival, following the first in a series that was held at Canadian Music Week 2007 in March. NewMusicWest is the largest and most influential new music festival on the West Coast, attracting businesses and individuals from all over North America. NMW showcases 200 bands, in 25 venues over 5 nights and invites the public and the music industry to attend.

About The Workshop
There is broad consensus that progressive digitization of the music industry, from the studio to the retail product and finally the marketplace itself, is transforming the way music is produced, packaged and distributed. At the same time, digitization is changing traditional media markets. With the explosion in new distribution platforms, from satellite radio to MySpace, consumers are enjoying greater flexibility, choice and control over music products, a process that started with the 8-Track and has culminated in peer-to-peer file sharing and the iPod.

But there is much less consensus with regard to how the industry must react and transform in response to these market changes, in part because technological changes are challenging the industry's fundamental approach to marketing and selling music. For example, the shift from broadcast platforms (radio/TV) to digital platforms, such as social network sites, has fundamentally changed the flow of communication between music providers and music consumers. What once was a one-to-many, unidirectional monologue controlled by music providers has transformed into a to many-to-many, multidirectional conversation between music providers and music consumers as well as between music consumers, and no one appears to have much control.

The workshop will go beyond a synthesis of the market changes created by digitization to a discussion about how labels, artists and others in the music industry must now approach marketing and selling music during a dramatic market transition. Concrete and practical strategies on how to tackle some of the important choices facing today's music industry decision maker will be presented. As such, the workshop is meant to provide a framework for decision makers considering how to internally innovate to succeed.

For more information on MusicDish at New Music West 2007, visit

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